Rainwater Retention and Detention Tanks, an Architectural Solution to Mitigate Urban Stormwater Runoff
On-site rainwater retention and detention systems are the most effective and economical method of controlling increased stormwater runoff. Accordingly, many councils are requiring retention and detention tanks for new developments to accommodate the runoff generated from the increase of hard surfaces in the urban environment.
Stormwater Shock Absorbers: Rainwater Retention and Detention Tanks, an Architectural Solution to Mitigate Urban Stormwater Runoff Tanks takes a deep dive into the world of on-site detention and retention systems. The main distinction between rainwater retention and detention is that a retention tank’s purpose is to hold onto the water for future use, whereas a detention tank eventually empties the water soon after it is collected. Both of these functions absorb the immediate impact of rainwater events and relieve pressure on existing drainage infrastructure.
Kingspan Water Tanks are not just saving water; they’re helping to save our cities and our waterways. Kingspan Water Tanks manufactures long-lasting, quality, made-to-measure Bluescope AQUAPLATE® steel water tanks and accessories for Australian homes and businesses. Kingspan Detention Kits fit quickly and easily on existing rainwater tanks and allow easy adjustment of the proportion of detention and retention. This means you can tailor the on-site detention system to meet your requirements.