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          These pumps are suitable for our Urban water tank range only. For rural tank pumps, please contact us for advice.

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The Project

Station manager Dion Porter realised from an early age the importance of adequate water supplies to farming operations in Australia, and the challenges associated with finding the right product and system for the job.

Today, Dion manages the 39,000ha Woodlands Station for Fucheng Woodlands Pty Ltd and the Li family, in Queensland, about 120km north of Goondiwindi, and vividly recalls the words of his grandfather all those years ago.

“He used to tell me all the time: ‘you can grow cattle on water and sunshine, but you need both’. Those words certainly ring true in our hot, dry climate,” Dion said.

In these times of severe drought, a reliable water supply has become more important than ever. Calling on a lot of the knowledge and experience passed down by his father and grandfather, as well as what he’s learned in his 20 years working on cattle properties, Dion has spent the past two-and-a-half years working with Mr Gaoqi Li, the owner’s representative, on improving the property’s infrastructure, including cattle yards, fencing and water systems.

“Out here, you can’t afford too many errors when it comes to decisions around infrastructure, so in improving the water systems and strategies employed on Woodlands we took our time and did our research and we’re really pleased with where we are now and how it’s all working,” he said.

The water for Woodlands is sourced from two, high-flow bores with the water moved around the property through a new system of 110mm to 63mm pipes to six Kingspan Rhino RT-365 water tanks, which as the name implies can store almost 365,000 litres of water. From these tanks, the water is then gravity-fed to each paddock via a series of troughs.

“Prior to the installation of the Rhino tanks, the system (mostly dams) was pretty in-efficient in that we couldn’t graze every paddock due to dams drying up in the extreme heat. The tanks now give us that all important security of water supply in that we have sufficient water stored at any given time to cover our requirements for 10 days. This becomes important if the bores require maintenance, which they do from time to time,” he said.

The work isn’t over either when it comes to building on the property’s water infrastructure, with the company keen to increase water storage to 20ML, or 20,000,000 litres, but storing such a huge amount of water in an isolated location comes with its challenges, which the company is working through in consultation with the team from Kingspan. The installation of smaller tanks around the property to capture rainfall is one of the strategies under consideration.

The current water infrastructure may also soon be serving an additional purpose, with consideration being given to introducing mineral supplements via the water, rather than the traditional means of wet lick left in the paddocks.

“A water-based system will mean real cost savings, too, and it wouldn’t be possible without the Kingspan Rhino tank system we have in place,” Dion said.

When the drought finally breaks the lessons learned over many years, and through one of the worst droughts in recent memory, won’t be forgotten with water security remaining front of mind for the company and the investment in water infrastructure improvements ongoing.
Very simply, “You can’t have cattle without water,” Dion said.

Prior to the installation of the Rhino tanks, the system (mostly dams) was pretty in-efficient in that we couldn’t graze every paddock due to dams drying up in the extreme heat. The tanks now give us that all important security of water supply in that we have sufficient water stored at any given time to cover our requirements for 10 days – Dion Porter, Station Manager

Product Information

Rhino Rural Water Tanks




Livestock Farming


Bore Water Storage